On November 23, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) unveiled the state’s first new access diverging diamond interchange at Interstate 65 and Worthsville Road in Johnston County. The innovative interchange type was chosen after careful analysis of 12 alternatives, based on its ability to reduce accidents, maximize traffic capacity, reduce the need for additional right of way, and minimize environmental impacts.
“We’re also always looking for the most economical solution,” said Adam Burns, project manager for CMT, the lead consultant on the Worthsville Road interchange. “Along with the significant safety and traffic flow benefits, we were also able to save INDOT around $4.3 million in total project costs.”
The firm introduced the concept to INDOT during the initial planning efforts of this project and was able to demonstrate its many benefits over traditional interchange types.
“It’s definitely a safer interchange, and that’s a big selling point for motorists and transportation agencies,” Burns said. “The diverging diamond eliminates the left turn that crosses oncoming traffic, which typically results in more severe accidents.”
(Click here for renderings of the new I-65/Worthsville Road Diverging Diamond Interchange to see how traffic flows through it.)