Marion Wells with Mussel

Worthsville Interchange Current Aerial Closer

South County Connector Public Meeting 5


CMT’s environmental professionals work collaboratively with our engineers, planners, GIS analysts and other experts to provide smarter and integrated environmental solutions. It begins with an intimate understanding of our client’s project goals as well as those of corresponding agencies and affected stakeholders. We bring state-of-the-art collection processes to assess conditions, while navigating our clients’ projects through applicable regulatory processes and approvals.


CMT Environmental in the Field
Environmental Thematic
CMT Environmental in the Field

Air Quality

CMT is a nationally recognized leader in air quality. CMT staff are experienced in air quality testing, atmospheric dispersion modeling, and in the analysis of stationary and mobile sources of pollutants for which there are National Ambient Air Quality Standards, hazardous air pollutants (HAPS)—including Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs), and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Staff include environmental engineers, air quality scientists, chemists, and meteorologists, who are at the forefront of transportation-related applications. In addition to being high-end users of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), our staff also includes authors of the FAA’s Aviation Emissions and Air Quality Handbook, the guidance by which airport-related air quality assessments are performed.

Our extensive air quality services include:

• AEDT • Ambient Air Monitoring • Air Dispersion Modeling (AERMOD, AERSCREEN, CAL3QHC) • Air Emission Inventories • Air Pollution Mitigation Measures • Air Quality Management Plans • Air Quality Monitoring • Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling • Emissions Credits, Offsets and Trading • Emission Factor Development • Emissions Modeling (MOVES) • General and Transportation Conformity • Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Assessments • Hazardous (Toxic) Air Pollutants • Management, Reduction and Mitigation Measures • Monitoring and Meteorological Data Processing • Title V Permitting • Policy, Guidelines and Procedures Development • PSD and NSR Applications • Regulatory Compliance • SIP Compliance • Stationary Source Permitting • Specialized Research Topics • Toxic Emission Assessment

National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) Documentation

With staff expertise in all National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) impact areas, plus a deep understanding of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) requirements, CMT has a long history of providing environmental protection documentation for projects. Our experience ranges from categorical exclusions for local roadway improvements to the environmental impact statement for the O’Hare International Airport Modernization Program. We have led the completion of hundreds of categorical exclusions, environmental assessments, and environmental impact statements under lead federal agencies such as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the National Park Service (NPS), and under programs such as BUILD, HOME, and CDBG, to name a few.

Natural Resource Management

CMT’s environmental team is staffed by certified biologists and ecologists who understand that major natural resources—such as land, water, air, minerals, flora, and fauna—provide the ecosystem services that enable a better quality of human life. CMT has a breadth of staff in all areas of natural resources, including biologists authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the survey, assessment, and relocation of federally threatened and endangered species.

Our team has experience with Clean Water Act Section 404/401 Permitting, Construction in a Floodway Permitting and Mitigation, Endangered Species Surveys and Relocations, Endangered Species Act Consultations and Permitting, Habitat Restoration, Navigable Waters – Sections 10 & 9 Permitting, Natural Resource Management Plans, Stream Determinations & Functional Assessments, Tree or Vegetation Surveys, Wetland Delineations and Functional Assessments, and more.


CMT’s environmental staff possess a long and successful history of addressing noise problems, including developing practical, cost-effective, and proven strategies to minimize impacts to both the human and natural environments. These services include 23 CFR 772 and 14 CFR Part 150 studies, architectural acoustics and residential sound insulation, expert witness testimony, NEPA and CEQA documentation, noise reduction and mitigation measures, noise monitoring, noise modeling, noise and vibrational assessments, policy and procedures development, regulatory compliance, and more. The noise specialists at CMT bring industry-leading experience at the largest airports in the nation including Kennedy, LaGuardia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Orlando, and Miami International Airports.

Public Involvement/Socioeconomic Effects Analysis

CMT understands well how infrastructure and other government actions need to be navigated within its social, economic, and environmental context. Whether required through a formal federal NEPA process or local interest to engage stakeholders, CMT can bring a wide range of capabilities to the process. From conducting detailed community and economic impact analyses to facilitating large scale public engagement programs, CMT works to inform, educate, and engage stakeholders and the public.

We bring a history of innovative approaches as well as proven methods for accommodating underserved populations.

Regulatory Assessment & Compliance

The implementation of USEPA’s programs under the Clean Water Act protect the nation’s waters from contamination that could impact downstream aquatic life or recreational uses. Our staff has experience helping facilities identify the requirements’ applicability and then assisting with compliance by preparing Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), as necessary.

Due Diligence/Hazardous Material Studies

Environmental due diligence is a technical investigation conducted to satisfy certain liability protections using state and federal environmental laws or standards. CMT has experience with a wide variety of hazardous material related assessments including ASTM Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, Contamination Assessment and Remediation (CAR), Contamination Screening Evaluation Reports (CSER), Red Flag Investigations (RFI), Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA), Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI), Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), and Risk Assessments. Our team understands the balance between reducing liability and construction-related exposures with the investigation of potential hazards.