Seventy years ago – just one year after the end of the most destructive war the world has ever seen – three friends got together to talk about building. They were civil engineers with their sights set on improving our country’s infrastructure. And, in true start-up fashion, they turned their dream into a thriving enterprise. Over the past seven decades, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT) has progressed through the times and remains a formidable presence in the civil engineering industry. We think that’s something to celebrate.
Len Crawford, Pat Murphy and Ray Tilly were not only talented engineers, they understood what clients are really looking for is value. Clients want innovative solutions that stretch their budgets. They want a trusted consultant who makes their jobs easier. And, they want a firm that is invested in their project, and in their community.
Unfortunately, Len, Pat and Ray are no longer with us, but thanks to the principles they instilled in their company, several of their original client organizations are still around today. We’re fortunate to have client relationships that date back for many decades, stretching all the way back to those early years.
Throughout 2016, we’re going to be looking back on the past 70 years, and highlighting some of the noteworthy accomplishments and milestones in CMT’s history. We’ll be honoring those that come before us, and recognizing some of the people who are still carrying out that tradition today.