What happens when an airport and its consultant take a strategic approach to airfield pavement improvements, rather than simply relying on the pavement condition index to dictate repairs?
At St. Louis Lambert International Airport, it’s resulted in millions of dollars of savings and allowed management to maintain a consistent annual capital improvement program. By taking a closer look at each pavement in relation to other pavement needs and in context of funding limitations, a great deal of value has been gained.
“Our philosophy is to look for ways to maximize the use of the good pavements that are out there – with a little more detailed value engineering up front, which can pay big dividends in overall life-cycle costs,” CMT’s Ty Sander explained. “That process begins with making sure we know all aspects of the pavements condition and performance.”
Read this Airport Improvement magazine article to learn more about how the rules of pavement management have been rewritten in favor of a value-added approach on the pavements at Lambert.