John Keeven, PE, is a transportation engineer based in CMT’s St. Louis office. A 2005 graduate from the Missouri University of Science & Technology, John currently serves as a project manager on state and local roadway-related projects. He is also active in the industry through the American Public Works Association (APWA) and in his community.
Jeff Large, PE, SE, joined CMT in 2006 after graduating from the University of Illinois. He works in CMT’s Springfield water resources group, providing structural engineering for water and wastewater facilities, including recent contributions to major plant expansions for the Sangamon County Water Reclamation District. Jeff later earned his Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering in 2009, and now plays an active role in business development for the firm.
Sean Smith, PE, has played a pivotal role in CMT’s recent work at O’Hare International Airport and other airports in the Chicago area, serving as resident engineer on several projects. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois, and has been employed by CMT since 2001.
CMT would like to congratulate these three individuals and thank them for their hard work on behalf of the firm.