CMT's Bill Brown accepting the George Warren Fuller Award


Every year, each state section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) nominates and selects one member to receive the George Warren Fuller Award. The prestigious award recognizes water professionals who have committed significant service toward the advancement of public health and safety in the water industry.

We are proud to announce that Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT)’s Bill Brown has been honored with the 2023 Illinois Section AWWA George Warren Fuller Award.

AWWA on the George Warren Fuller Award:

“This is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on a water industry professional annually and honors an individual for their distinguished service to the water industry in commemoration of the sound engineering skills, diplomatic talent, and constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller.”

Bill’s impressive 49-year career spans water analyses and waterworks operations at CMT and City Water, Light and Power (CWLP) in Springfield, IL. He began his career at CMT in construction observation and sewer inspection as well as in the water and wastewater laboratory. In 1984, Bill dove into the world of water treatment and plant operations acting as Water Superintendent for CWLP. He would spend 20 years of his innovation-focused career there, navigating through clarifier conversions and new water tower circulation designs while maintaining some of the lowest water rates in the state.

Since 2004, Bill has continued to advance his water treatment career with CMT. His trailblazing innovations in water treatment have left an indelible mark on our industry. Our clients have benefitted from Bill’s unique combination of expertise in water treatment, engineering, and management over the past two decades.

We extend our tremendous congratulations to Bill for this award and his landmark achievements in the water industry, our abundant gratitude for his dedicated service to our clients, and for enhancing engineering and consulting through his daily work in water services at CMT.

About George Warren Fuller

George Warren Fuller is known as a pioneering member of the AWWA. He authored the forerunner to, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,” and is accredited for creating the waterworks standards of practice (chemicals, pipe, treatment) used throughout the world today.