Flexible Plan for the Future
Airport Master Plan
Following completion of its new passenger terminal building and continued record setting passenger traffic, the Metropolitan Airport Authority of Peoria (MAAP) engaged Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. (CMT) in a comprehensive update of their Master Plan. The primary goals of the master plan were to establish a holistic and strategic funding plan for improvements at the airport that supported growth in each of its service markets. Deliverables within the project included a Master Plan Study, Airport Layout Plan in compliance with the FAA’s Standard Operating Procedure 2.00, enhancement of the Airport’s Geographic Information System (GIS) to conform with FAA AGIS standards, and the development of a Safety Management System (SMS) Implementation Manual.
Key facility study areas included the following: reuse of previous terminal area and ATCT, siting and justification of an expanded SRE complex, long-term justification of a commercial parallel runway, assessment of complex airfield geometry, and short- and long-term expansion plans of the newly constructed passenger terminal.
Historic planning efforts highlighted the need for a future parallel commercial runway in response to both military and civilian cargo activity and presence. We worked closely with airport users, including the based 182nd Air Refueling Wing, to develop planning strategies that met both civilian and military uses, and maximized flexibility for use of the airport facilities, property and airspace.
Accommodating historic levels of commercial passenger activity and changes in airline equipment utilization, the newly constructed terminal was already experiencing some operational constraints, which required a combination of immediate, short-term and long-term expansion strategies. CMT completed a holistic needs analysis of the passenger terminal and supporting areas, including aircraft and vehicle parking, to devise solutions that would address existing and anticipated capacity and operational constraints. Results of the terminal area planning effort included recommendations for both short- and long-term concourse expansions, phased vehicle surface and parking deck solutions, construction of a replacement air traffic control tower and individual space needs within the terminal building. A companion effort led by CMT also provided planning and coordination for a new and integrated U.S. Customs Federal Inspection Station (FIS) that was subsequently designed and constructed in 2016 to supplement the new terminal.
We assessed historic runway incursion activity and airfield geometry against FAA’s new taxiway geometry standards to devise solutions that would eliminate confusing areas of the airfield system. Select recommendations included the development of a new south side parallel taxiway system to reduce runway crossings, installation of runway guard lights as a cost savings safety measure, and the continued presence of a 24-hour ATCT.