Fast-Track Design-Build Bridge Rebuild on I-44
Design-Build Bridges
Interstate 44 is a major freight route important to the nation’s commerce. A number of large national retailers have major distribution centers along I-44 in Missouri and others depend on I-44 for cross-country shipping. Current traffic volumes in Jasper and Lawrence Counties operate near capacity for single lane operations especially during morning and afternoon peak commute times, sometime exceeding limits for single lane operation. Additionally, during the summer months, traffic volumes further increase as travelers make their way across the highway corridor to reach destinations in Oklahoma, St. Louis, Lake of the Ozarks and the Branson/Tri-Lakes area via Springfield, MO. This all contributed to making this a priority project for Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and requiring the Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT) Team to work nights and extended hours on field work to minimize the impacts to the traveling public.
CMT was selected by the MoDOT to provide assistance in the procurement of this unique Design-Build contract. The proposed project would provide an opportunity for up to thirty-one bridges to be either replaced or long-term rehabilitated along the 50-mile I-44 corridor between Range Line Road (Loop 49) in Joplin, MO and Route Z in Halltown, MO.
The project was titled the I-44 Project Bridge Rebuild. The project goals were:
- Deliver the project within the programmed budget of $36.1 million.
- Maximize the service life of all identified bridges within the project limits and deliver an end product that improves safety and minimizes future maintenance.
- Move traffic through the project in a safe, efficient manner using innovative techniques.
- Deliver the project using a diverse workforce.
- Complete the project by December 15, 2021.
CMT was selected to provide engineering support, reconnaissance, and other support services as requested throughout all phases of the procurement and project delivery. Our team provided preliminary engineering, survey, geotechnical, utility coordination, bridge survey, bridge design, bridge recon, traffic counts, traffic modeling, traffic engineering, safety analysis, and professional support for the design-build procurement process. The team serves as the owner representative during the project duration and may also provide construction support.
The contract was also on a very tight schedule, with most of the information due in 45 days after notice to proceed and all information in 84 days to meet MoDOT’s procurement schedule. The RFP stated, “It will be expected that the consultant moved quickly to gather data, provide information and meet milestones in an intense Environment.” The CMT Team was able to meet all deadlines and provide additional information as required. CMT committed the necessary people and resources to make this project a success.
You put together an impressive team, with a group of generals to help us accomplish this monumental project. We knew it was going to take an army to get this done! Glad to have you on this side of the design-build table.