Fast Track Design
Runway Extension and Localizer Relocation
Indianapolis Regional Airport (MQJ) | Indianapolis, IN
Phase one of the project included the relocation of the Runway 25 localizer antenna and equipment shelter for compliance with Runway Safety Area (RSA)/Object Free Area (OFA) criteria for category C/D-II operations. Due to the proximity of the existing localizer to the runway extension, the antenna array and shelter needed to be relocated in accordance with FAA design criteria. CMT designed the relocation of the antenna array and suggested a new shelter outside of the OFA be constructed. This minimized the downtime of the existing localizer and provide the needed space for future upgrades. CMT produced plans and specifications for the first design package in less than 90 days.
Phase two consisted of extending Runway 7 and Taxiway A by 500 feet, along with connecting Taxiway A-5. The runway extension was designed for an asphalt pavement structure and the taxiway was a concrete pavement structure. The existing PAPI system was relocated as part of the project, along with installation of LED taxiway edge lights, a new LED windcone and new LED REILs.