Millions in Savings on Corridor Improvements
Longmeadow Parkway Improvements, Section C
Kane County Department of Transportation (KDOT) | Algonquin, IL
Longmeadow Parkway is a new five-mile corridor featuring four project sections. Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT) is leading the largest section of the four at an estimated preliminary construction cost of $50 million. This project involves two new miles of four-lane strategic regional arterial roadway, a proposed toll facility, two-miles of bike trail with a pedestrian overpass, a roundabout, a new bridge over Sandbloom Road and a new river crossing bridge over the Fox River in Algonquin, IL.
CMT’s value approach helped the Kane County Division of Transportation minimize the costs of the project. Most notably, changes in several aspects of the bridge design are projected to save millions. As part of our value approach, CMT also prepared an alternative analysis for a river crossing bridge and studied changes to the vertical alignment to help minimize the amount of earthwork required to construct this project.
In addition to the design-phase services, CMT is also responsible for the finalization of several uncompleted Phase I tasks, such as:
- re-evaluation of environmental impacts (corridor-wide),
- geotechnical investigations (corridor-wide),
- overall conceptual drainage plan,
- intersection design studies,
- preliminary design studies and
- finalizing horizontal/vertical alignments.
Some of the environmental studies/issues include:
- impacts to Fox River;
- endangered species coordination including Northern Long-Eared Bat, Rusty Patched Bumble Bee and Bald Eagle;
- impacts to forest preserve;
- wetland delineations;
- fish and mussel surveys and mitigation within Fox River;
- reevaluation of the Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment;
- mitigation of previously encased hazardous material (lead);
- obtaining multiple permits and
- a Clean Construction Demolition Debris plan.
CMT is working closely with several agencies including KDOT, Illinois Department of Transportation, Village of Carpentersville, Village of Algonquin, Kane County Forest Preserve, Dundee Township, Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District. CMT is also working with the Illinois Tollway to develop tolling infrastructure that will be incorporated into the project to assist the county with project funding.