Centering Economic and Environmental Sustainability Through Solids Management Upgrades
MSD Project Clear (MSDPC) – Bissell and Lemay Wastewater Treatment Facilities Fluidized Bed Incinerators Improvements Design-Build Project
Kokosing/Plocher LLC
This nearly $900 million Solids Management Upgrades (SMU) project involves the construction of new biosolids facilities at both the Bissell Point and Lemay wastewater treatment facilities, replacing infrastructure that has served the community for nearly 60 years. In the role of design lead, CMT serves as a consultant to the joint venture dedicated to the project, Kokosing/Plocher (KP), which was formed by Kokosing Industrial, Inc. and Plocher Construction Company, Inc. Together, the project team is delivering design and construction for these new facilities under a design-build delivery mechanism to help MSDPC save time on construction while reducing risks of construction overruns.
By leveraging industry-leading technology for the stabilization of biosolids and introducing innovative fluidized bed technology, the project will result in a more environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and energy-efficient operation upon successful completion.
The improvements implemented through SMU are projected to:
• Reduce air emissions by 70% – a significant leap forward in air quality enhancement for the communities MSDPC serves;
• Lower the ongoing operations and maintenance costs associated with the six-decades-old operating facility, which currently uses technology 40 years its senior; and
• Create 200 new jobs during construction, as well as permanent high-tech positions upon completion.
The Notice to Proceed was issued on July 24, 2023, and the new facilities are scheduled to be fully operational by the spring of 2029.