Close-up of Street View with Buildings Springfield IL

Assisting the City with Developing a Decision-Making Framework

Sustainable Sewer System Asset Management Program

Springfield, IL Public Works Department

Given the pressing issues with the city’s sewers system related to condition, flooding and regulatory compliance, Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT) has been working along-side the Springfield Public Works Department to assist them in developing a sustainable asset management program for sewers. While the city has made progress capturing its inventory of assets, many crucial programmatic decisions await until a better understanding of the total inventory, condition and value of what is in the system can be ascertained. We assisted the city with developing a decision-making framework that will allow them to leverage the knowledge currently available to answer the question, “What are the overall system needs?”.


  • Working closely with the city and leveraging its CityWorks platform to better quantify the system priorities.
  • Developed expected service life, maintenance, renewal, and replacement costs for each asset type.
  • Utilized asset management principles to provide the client with conceptual costs and a draft rate structure.
  • Developed a dynamic process that allows the city to adjust the program as more system assessment data is collected.

Project Contact(s)

Christina Crites, PE, ENV SP

Project Service(s)

  • Asset Management
  • Planning
  • Program Development
  • Sewer Coordination
  • Stormwater Management
  • Sustainable Design
  • Treatment Processes