CWLP Clarifiers

Spring Creek WWTP Aerial

Saline Wastewater Treatment Plant Aerial

St Louis Office Staff Raed Armouti in his office

CWLP High Service Pumps

Staff at SMSD Sugar Creek

Water Resources

As one of our most precious natural resources, water plays a vital role in the sustainment and vitality of our environment. Increasing regulatory pressures, aging infrastructure, and declining public works budgets make managing this resource all the more challenging.

With Crawford, Murphy & Tilly (CMT), you’ll benefit from an integrated and balanced approach to addressing water resource needs in all phases of the water cycle. We are constantly working together to improve our clients’ ability to manage their water resources through treatment, conservation, and the reuse of drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater.



Design and Construction Engineering

Facilities Planning

Treatment Processes

Integrated Master Planning

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control

Planning, Permitting, and Regulatory Compliance

Best Management Practices (BMP)/Green Design

Flood Studies

Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Mitigation

Rate/Financial Studies

Funding Assistance

Stormwater Utilities



Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Asset Management