Surface Transportation Group Manager in Nashville, TN
Whether it’s improving traffic safety, easing congestion, or providing new options for pedestrians and bicyclists, Dominick Romano gets a lot of satisfaction seeing the fruits of his labor as a transportation engineer. By the time his projects make it to construction, Dominick has put in the hard work to make sure that his client gets the most from their infrastructure investment.
“I prefer a hands-on project management style because it allows me to take in the big picture, without losing sight of the many, and often competing objectives, that you’ll have on a given project. I’ve found this is the best way to arrive at an optimal solution,” he says.
Dominick serves as Surface Transportation Group Manager in CMT’s Nashville office. He likes that he gets to work on large, challenging projects, while still being able to develop and maintain close relationships with the people he’s working with. Through meticulous organization and a keen eye for the details, Dominick is able to stay on top of issues, before they become problems.
His profession means a lot to him, and Dominick gives back by mentoring the next generation of CMT engineers. He also serves on the industry advisory board for Tennessee State University’s Civil and Architectural Engineering program, where he reviews curriculum, advises on current trends, and helps guide students on their path towards a career. CMT is proud to have such a leader on our team.