Principal Aviation Noise Consultant
Over his career, Greg Maxwell has worked for two international airports and has consulted for one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers. He has even authored a book about an aerial reconnaissance squadron that flew the Pacific during WWII. It’s safe to say that Greg feels at home on an airfield.
“I really enjoy talking with people who share my love of aviation and finding out what inspired them to pursue a career in the industry,” Greg says. “I just love to share stories and the connections I’ve built are invaluable.”
Greg uses his professional connections and acumen to assist airport clients in managing their noise abatement programs. He provides quality assurance on projects, ensuring that model inputs and outputs are correct, and sharing his expertise with team members. Greg also spends a good deal of time making sure those clients know that they’re in good hands with CMT as their environmental consultant.
“It’s hard work to win a new customer, but retaining them is even harder. So, I look at every day as a new opportunity to prove to them that they made the right decision in choosing CMT, and that will hold true tomorrow and in ten years as well.”
When away from the airfields, Greg competes in inline skating marathons and enjoys hiking and skiing. He also loves exploring the world with his wife, or settling in on Saturday to watch college football.